7R Jones Creek Rd

Dubbo NSW 2830, Australia

Our females are the foundation of our herd so it is important to us to maintain this solid base. Having a smaller herd means we have a good handle on what all the cows are doing, production wise, and we can have high selection pressures to ensure that every cow contributes positively to the production and maintenance of a sound herd. Our girls are selected on strong maternal traits such as milk production and thus ability to grow a calf out, fertility, longevity, softness, temperament and structural soundness.

Our sires are also an important aspect as they are producing many calves in their lifetime and those that make the grade are used as herd replacements. One of our first criteria for bull selection is calving ease as we do calve out a high proportion of heifers in these early stages of our stud. The bulls must also being structurally sound with good muscling, growth, carcase attributes and temperament. We also like to use bulls with a solid coat and goggles. Polled bulls would be preferred but we realise the value that a horned bull can add in terms of increasing bone and thickness.