The major advantage of the Fleckvieh breed is primarily the cow. Our girls are selected on strong maternal traits such as milk production and thus ability to grow a calf out, fertility, longevity, softness, temperament and structural soundness. We are working on a cow/calf efficiency ratio of 50% ie. the calf’s weight should be around 50% of the cow’s weight at 7 months of age.
Donec condimentum mi non dignissim rhoncus. Maecenas feugiat lobortis felis a egestas. Morbi fringilla congue sem, et volutpat mi faucibus non. Aenean fringilla lorem id eleifend posuere. Morbi sagittis mattis odio, sed ullamcorper neque. Nunc maximus pulvinar quam eget pharetra. Sed finibus feugiat risus in vulputate. Vivamus nec luctus tellus, vel viverra urna.